Wednesday 25 September 2013


Our flock of birds have finally come good. We are averaging about 3 eggs a day. They range from a mini to goliath size. The cockerels are fattening up nicely and a couple have made it to the pot. They are very tasty and come with a big layer of fat inside. The remaining cockerels routinely have singing competitions at early hours of the morning just to let us know that they are awake. The chickens keep the goats on their toes as well by stealing little bits of food away from them when they are not looking or are not nimble enough to get to them. We do have one odd aggressive chicken which does like to peck Andy on the head and feet when he approaches her. The eggs are a lovely addition to our growing organic farm food which this year has been remarkably successful due to Andy's hard work and amazingly good weather for it. 
It is a pretty wonderful feeling just wandering out into the garden and either picking your own food, selecting eggs, milking or eyeing up the next meat meal feast :)


Unknown said...

How many hens do you have? Xx

Samm and Andy said...

I think we have 6-8 chickens, there are about 5 cockerels left

We owe you a big thanks heather for kick starting us into do this - Without your example and a g+ chat from your folks we would never have done this

Going to get another 20 day-old chickens next year and am on the hunt for orpington eggs/chickens