Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Brief Catch-up

It was 2:30 am and Andy couldn't sleep so he thought he would drop a line or two about whats been going on in our world. So in no particular order and rather briefly

Farm works
We are currently having a fence built so that the dogs can run about freely outside with more space without the fear that they will escape. This has turned into a big job with an friend from church doing the work. Will post photos when complete

We are going to get piggies and Chickens!

We are also trying to keep the farm a bit (more) organised. September is the time when trees are pruned(I've an extendable tree trimmer from lidl which is awesome) and planned to plant some berry bushes(blackberry/raspberry) and new trees. We also need to service and get our irrigation system online.

Our Farm life has been revolutionized by the appearance of a sit-down lawnmower. This device dramatically changes Andy's life as he can now cut the majority of the grass on the farm in under 2 hours instead of the 3 weeks that the old method took. Please come and have a go!!!!

They seem to be doing ok, they have more and more energy and daily chase each other round the garden at a seeming faster and faster pace. Crunchy had to have a major surgery to remove her uterus as it was infected due to a hormone imbalance and since then she has become a different dog! Before the op, she seemed lethargic and tired and now she is a slimmer Duracell bunny of a dog! She still could at for England though she would have to wait a few years to qualify for Hungary under residency rules ;)

New Term
University restarted at the beginning of Sept and the new academic year means more teaching for Samm and some more Hungarian lesson for me! Also, we restart ICF (International Christian fellowship) in Szeged for all students. This is an group of school and uni students and extras who meet together to journey together deeper into the Christian faith using English. We are first get together of the term last Friday and it was really lovely to see everyone and catch up with each other :)
Andy is also returing to rugby training after 9 months of resting. the pain will come!

We are both getting involved in the local(ish - it in the local big city) Pentecostal church called Sion. Samm is helping run the girls group whilst Andy has become the church's worship leader/coordinator. Church is undergoing a change as the time we used to meet was no longer possible from the people we rented from, so we are now meeting for lunch before church and then doing the "church" bit afterward. It is hoped that the lunch will serve as a means by which we can help to build community with each other and also to invite others in as well.

Overall we are doing fine and are rather healthy. Andy has become more friendly with the Hungarian Hospital system and feels like he has spent the summer on antibiotics firstly because of a foot infection from an embedded piece of grass and also from stabbing his left hand with a sickle. He is all fine now!

Please come and visit - You will be welcome especially if you bring marmite, jellybabies and roobish tea

Samm and Andy

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