Sunday, 28 December 2008

New Jobs for the New Year

Believe it or not, we have both been offered new jobs which start in the new year.

I'll be working as a physic post-doc in the university of Szeged working on the development of equipment to monitor the quality of Silicon wafers. Check out the employers at

From January I am going to be working as a policy and advocacy officer with MDAC, a NGO based in Budapest. I am really psyched about this possibility check the website out at
I will also be teaching a couple of compressed courses on trial advocacy (in March) at the faculty of law here in Szeged which should be fun :) YAH!!!!

All this is quite amazing/answer to prayers as we couldn't find anything in the UK but within 3 months of being in Hungary, we've both been headhunted for cracking Jobs!!!!

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